Pregnant woman barbell deadlifting

Important Strength Training Exercises You Should Do During Pregnancy

The Importance of The Strength Exercises You Do During Pregnancy Have you started working out while pregnant, but unsure of what exercises will benefit you the most? When choosing strength exercises for your pregnancy program you want to do exercises that will carry over into everyday tasks as a mom. Some things you will be…

Strength Training Exercise Modifications During Pregnancy

Strength Training Exercise Modifications During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Strength Training Exercise Modifications Strength training while pregnant is safe and offers lots of benefits to you and baby. Even if you are new to exercising, you can still safely begin strength training while pregnant. However, there are strength training exercise modifications you will need to make throughout pregnancy. We know it’s important to…

Woman lifting weights while pregnant

A Complete Guide to Safe and Effective Exercise During Pregnancy

A Guide to Start or Continue Exercise During Pregnancy You just found out you’re pregnant. Congratulations, mama! Now you are wondering if it is safe for you to start exercising. There’s lots of information on what not to do while pregnant, but not enough that takes you step by step on all the components of…

picture of pregnant woman sitting on an exercise ball.
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Must-Do Core Exercise for Pregnancy and Postpartum: Connection Breath

Strengthen Your Core Throughout Pregnancy and Postpartum With the Connection Breath Wondering how you can safely work your core during pregnancy? Want to prevent or manage diastasis recti, pelvic pain, back pain, or urinary incontinence? If you said yes to any of those, keep reading! The Connection Breath is a core exercise that you must-do…

feel more energized in first trimester

6 Quick Ways to Feel More Energized in Your First Trimester

How to Increase Your Energy During the First Trimester Fatigue is often the biggest first trimester complaint. It can come on so strong that it throws off your entire routine and motivation becomes non-existent. The good news is there are things you can do now to help you get through that early pregnancy fatigue. Keep…

postpartum journey and struggles
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My Postpartum Journey: Newborn, Body, and Fitness Struggles and How I Overcame Them

Postpartum Journey and Struggles: Hard Truth The months after giving birth are a life changing experience. They are beautiful and mentally and physically exhausting. There’s nothing that can truly prepare you for the postpartum journey you are about to embark on and the struggles you will face. Many new moms get a false sense of…

journal of New Years goals
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10 Life Changing New Year’s Goals for Moms: Healthier Mind and Body

New Year’s Goals for Creating a Healthier Mind and Body: How to Set Goals and Stick to Them  If you are excited to get back on track and better your life, then you will want to keep reading. These 10 new year’s goals for moms will change your life and create a healthier mind and…